How to list a property on Karta

If you already have an account, please log in with your email address and password at

1. Click [List on Karta] on the home page and follow the instructions below.

2. Click on the [Let's start] tab. If you haven't published your properties elsewhere before, kindly go through the rest of the instructions below.

3. Select your property type.

4. Enter the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Click [Next].

5. Enter the address of your rental property manually or through our automated search. Make sure the point on the map is marked correctly; click [Next].

6. Select the [Amenities] tab.

7. Upload high-quality pictures of the property. Click [Next].

8. Describe your property, the area in which it is located, as well as your house rules. Click [Next].

9. Set your cost per night, any discounts you may wish to include, as well as your desired cancellation policy.

10. If you haven’t uploaded it yet, upload your ID before posting your property. Click [Publish] or proceed to the tenth step.

Note: If necessary, feel free to edit your payment information and billing address under the Payments option. Click [Publish]. We publish your property after KYC confirmation.