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Vacation rentals and homes in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

اختر مكان الإقامة المثالي لعطلتك
السعر لكل ليلة
أنواع الإقامة

Top-Rated Vacation Rentals in Fujairah United Arab Emirates.

28 منزلاً  في Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, is a hidden gem known for its stunning beaches and the majestic Hajar Mountains. The local saying, "Al-hubb fi al-qalb," meaning "Love is in the heart," reflects the warm hospitality of its people. Visitors can enjoy a variety of holiday rentals, from luxurious villas to cozy apartments, often available for rent per day. Don't miss the Fujairah Fort and the beautiful Al-Bidyah Mosque, which showcase the rich history of the region. Experience the local cuisine, including fresh seafood and traditional dishes like Al Harees. Book your holiday home today for an unforgettable stay in Fujairah!

Fujairah, United Arab Emirates Vacation Guide

Fujairah, one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates, is a hidden gem on the eastern coast of the country. Established in 1971, Fujairah is unique for its mountainous terrain and stunning beaches, setting it apart from its more urban counterparts. With a population of approximately 250,000 residents, this emirate offers a blend of rich history, cultural heritage, and modern a...

عرض المزيد

معلومات عن إيجارات العطلات في Fujairah

🏡 تأجير أماكن الإقامة للعطلات
💳 الخصومات المحتملة
5% - 21%
🌙 سعر الحد الأدنى للإقامة الليلية
⭐️ وسائل الراحة والمدن الشهيرة
, ,
🐾 إيجارات تسمح باصطحاب الحيوانات الأليفة

وجهات سياحية رائجة



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