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Vacation rentals and homes in Lower Saxony, Germany

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أنواع الإقامة

Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany, is a charming town known for its picturesque half-timbered houses and the historic harbor. Did you know that Lower Saxony is home to the famous Bremen Town Musicians? Visitors can enjoy local delicacies like Labskaus while exploring the scenic landscapes. For those seeking holiday rentals, options range from cozy holiday homes to spacious apartments, often available for rent per day. Don't miss the annual Stade Wine Festival, where you can indulge in regional wines. Book your accommodation today for an unforgettable experience in this delightful part of Germany!

Lower Saxony, Germany Vacation Guide

Lower Saxony, known as Niedersachsen in German, is a captivating state located in the northwestern part of Germany. Established in 1946, it has a rich history and a diverse cultural landscape. With a population of approximately 8 million residents, Lower Saxony is the second-largest state in Germany by area. The state is characterized by its picturesque landscapes, charming towns, and vibrant cit...

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10% - 27%
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